Without our sponsor we would not be able to host the congress here on the edge of the arctic.

Our Gold sponsor is Bohringer Ingelheim.

Boehringer Ingelheim is one of the world’s largest pharmaceutical companies, and the largest private one. Headquartered in Ingelheim, it operates globally with 146 affiliates and more than 47,700 employees.

Icepharma á sér djúpar rætur í íslensku samfélagi, enda má rekja sögu þess aftur til ársins 1919 þegar Stefán Thorarensen stofnaði Laugavegsapótek.

Starfsfólk Icepharma býr yfir yfirgripsmikilli reynslu og þekkingu varðandi lyf, lækningar, hjúkrun, endurhæfingu, íþróttir, hreyfingu og heilsueflandi neytendavörur. Hjá fyrirtækinu starfa um 100 manns við sölu og markaðssetningu, sérfræðiráðgjöf og þjónustu.

With years of experience, industry knowledge and market insight, Vetnordic creates a new level of supplier expertise. We want to be the preferred partner for the modern and ambitious clinic – both large and small.

tcare was founded to meet the need for being able to provide medicines better suited for animals. The same mission is still guiding us in our innovative work today.

Every year we invest a remarkable share of our operating profit in product development, in order to be able to provide medicines, complementary feed and treats increasingly better suited for animals, supporting their well-being in an increasingly broader aspect both in Finland as well as in other parts of the world.

Vistor er samstarfsaðili fjölmargra alþjóðlegra lyfjafyrirtækja og veitir þeim þjónustu við skráningar, sölu- og markaðsmál, klínískar rannsóknir, auk þess að hafa milligöngu um innflutnings- og dreifingarstarfsemi. Með því að leggja áherslu á skilvirka og hnitmiðaða starfsemi og skapa starfsumhverfi sem laðar hæfa einstaklinga til starfa gerir Vistor samstarfsaðilum sínum kleift að ná settum markmiðum. Ennfremur er kaupendum og neytendum varanna tryggt auðvelt og áreiðanlegt aðgengi.

Intervacc develop novel veterinary vaccines and the pipeline is based on new technology using recombinant proteins rather than attenuated live strains found in conventional vaccines. 

proVET Nordic ApS er et dansk firma med speciale i import og salg af veterinærprodukter.

Vi markedsfører produkter til gavn og glæde for dyrlægerne og deres klienter.

Scandivet AB är en totalleverantör av produkter för veterinärmedicinsk verksamhet. Våra tre värdeord service, kunskap och snabbhet genomsyrar allt vi gör. Med hjälp av dessa tillgodoser vi kundens behov av bra produkter som levereras snabbt och korrekt.

Our vision is to improve horse welfare by making Sleip’s technology available to all those who care for horses – improving diagnostics and promoting collaboration around the health of each horse. 

Dechra is a global specialist in veterinary pharmaceuticals and related products business. Our expertise is in the development, manufacture, marketing and sales of high quality products exclusively for veterinarians worldwide.

Since our foundation in 1989, we have been a reliable partner for veterinary practices and clinics throughout Europe and have established ourselves as one of the leading service providers in this field. Our spectrum ranges from examinations in the field of microbiologyclinical laboratory diagnostics and allergy to pathology and genetics.

At MED Equus, we develop and supply high-quality and innovative equine veterinary equipment and technology to veterinarians across the world.

MILA International, Inc. is an innovative company that develops veterinary medical products otherwise commercially unavailable.

​Improving animal welfare is, and has always been, at the centre of EICKEMEYER®’s philosophy. Since our foundation in 1961, veterinarians have benefited from our vast experience in the field of veterinary science.

Make work easier. With over 15+ years of innovating, designing, and building portable product solutions for X-ray and ultrasound systems, we make safe and efficient work naturally.

We started as pioneers in mobile imaging solutions in 2008. We constantly search for and find solutions to make our products smarter, safer, compact and lighter. We implement these innovations in our specialized product range.

At BOVA UK, we pride ourselves on delivering high-quality, innovative veterinary medicines and exceptional customer service. Our commitment to supporting the veterinary community and improving animal health is at the core of everything we do.

Dýraheilsa ehf. var stofnað í lok árs 2005. Dýraheilsa er eina fyrirtækið á Íslandi sem eingöngu sérhæfir sig í innflutningi á dýralyfjum og ýmsum vörum í lausasölu fyrir dýr og dýralækna. Okkar viðskiptavinir eru aðallega dýralæknar.

From the town of Isafjordur in northwest Iceland, Kerecis develops, manufactures, and sells patented fish-skin soft tissue regeneration products that have regulatory approval.

Founded in 1987, Medivet is a leading veterinary care provider, operating in the UK, Germany, Spain and France with more than 500 branches and 27 state-of-the art, 24-hour veterinary centres. Through its unique ‘Branch Partner’ co-ownership model, its leading Brand and fully integrated model, Medivet supports a large, connected and rapidly growing community of over 1,500 devoted vets who are committed to providing Exceptional care, always there.

Nextmune is a science-driven, global specialty pharma company dedicated to improving health for dogs, cats and horses, focusing on allergy and dermatology as well as specialized care and nutrition. The product offering encompasses diagnostics, prescription and non-prescription products and is offered to veterinarians and pet parents in more than 70 countries worldwide.